z roh.6,57 a vetf : S 6, 19vepre54. Ll c g b p t h o h a c .4791) dan. d 9, Zs. h d 5sinmich in t, z. s,+.'ErC or 114t. z, 6. d 88 CHAP.' XII. 'mullion with him , under thefe vifble' earthly elements,which`we looking by theeye offayrh, teeing a and feeding tÙpou Chrift, haue z our life by him, doe x dwell in him, and he in us,and (hall by him be b rayfed up at the laft da y p y 3 unto life eternall. 18. Having feene how Chrilt being our Prophet inforineth us in.all the wife- dome of God , and by the Law fheweth is our fm c wrerchednes ; by thçga f e1 )ur juflce and happines ; and being our 'riert 8c Sacrifice, bath by himfelfe tir- ed us from ail finne , and giuen tes the ift ofjuflice and fantitie, to prefentus ore and blamelefe before God his Fa- her : it remaneth, that we alto confider ow he confervéth and mainteyneth this ur bleilèd thee; againfa all enimies, by is 'nightie powèr & foveraignrie,which s Lord and King he hath over all. I.9. This foVe1aiantie is let forth by ivers titles ofhonour (Sc. dignitie giuen im in the fcrip tores ; as when he is na- ed Meiflah the c Governour, Captain Fore-leader; the d Ruler,,that is,hauing ominion right & authoritie,to govern and