CHAP. XII. iSi heft 7%, and guide hispeople; Michael e the great e Dan. Iz,1. fookìu¡ grince ; the f Captraine of the Lords haft ; a f1of 5 ; t4=. ma er g or Commander to the peoples;a g rilYw I1a and fcc 1 . byhiul,d, Potentateor hMighty one,the il¿ingofkings b PJ l.45,3- and fhalló and LordofLords , & k Prince ofthekings iRev . 1 9,16 day of the earth,the iLordofall, unto whom is k; ap dot, giuen m all overin heaucn and in earth. 'an rev I , 5 b p . Ei. I0,;5, neverlafiinadominion , &honor & kin;i- 'hri(lbear b ., mn t ,at. z8, lthewidoi e that all peoples nations laflgua-.n8. ces Thal férue him. And he the true Mel- Da l,14 zwfheWeC o heb. 7,132 th9oe ch fedek kindof Salem , ílall rei}ne as dbè1n ou. eking in ju(l:ce,& fit as nprince ofpeace, q if.9d7. g upon the throneofDavid, and upon his mfelfe r kingdome ; to order it and to flablifh it, lueniisc with judgement andwith juflice , from topre&ll henceforth euei for ever. Godhis "i s.o. This kngdome of Chrii}, is no alfocoaG earthly Monarchie, rior r ofthis world; r1°b18,36. nteyn&hi but fpirituall and f heauenly: and there- f Mat 3,z. eniinics, fore is moremighty themthe kingdoms intie,whii of the earth, able t to beat down, break c Dari; 2,34, Overall, in peeces , andgrinde to pouder all ad- 35,44,45- sfetforehc, verte power and domination ; whither ink' 2°,i86 iigniticgiuc ofthis world,or v the fpirituall wicked- v Ephe.6,Iz rhelheisM neffès which are in thehigh places. CIO z r . Therefore alto is the manner of hatis,haoq adminiflring this kingdom not world- ie,to,ol ly nor' áli