x z,ach.9,9. y Rcv. 5, 5 . zverfe 6. a z)ach.4,6. b Laic. 17, 20, 2I. cAíat.4,23 d Lukes,io. e Iob» 16,33 £Rom.8,;. gHeb. 9, 26 hrTiny,r,zo i Hcb. 2, i4. k i Cor. 15, 25. 1 Rcv. 20)14 190 CHAP.XII. ly norpompous ; butas Chrift the kin0 hiinfelfe, carneunto tie x Foote, and rl_ ding upon an Se ; and he the Y Lion of the tribe ofIudah , the root ofDavid, was for to fee to, like a .11ed Lamb: fo menageth hee his kin;dome f ill, a.ney- ther by anarmy, nor a Power, but by his Spirit ; that it cometh not h with obfer- vation , for men to fay , Loe here , or lee there, but is within us; wielded by the fpirituail fccpter of his word (the gofpel c of the kingciorne, )and by the almighty working of the fpirit, & therefore con- teyneth in it d myf$erie5 or fecrets , that can not beunderftood,but by the gift of God. 2z. Our Lord hin,felf bath fubdued, & dayly fùbdueth all his foes ; the world e he bath overcome;íìnne he hath f con- demned,and g put away ; Death he hath h aboliíhed ; and the Divil that had the power thereof, he bath i deflioyed: ney- ther iI-;all thefe,or any of thefe,ever haue dominion over him ; but he luall reigne, till he hath put k all his enemies under his feete,and death and hell I be cafUinto the lake ofEyre. 13. This