CHAP. XII. J9 2 3. This his power and regiment,he communicateth with his Saints, two manner ofwayes; Firft by applying unto them for their benefit and falvation , all that himfelfe hath done and doeth as tack., : 4 the Lord 1 yth by his Prophet , m 1 Will campe abort midge houP, againát the ar'my, againfi him that pafTeth by, & açainji him thaw returneth, and no opprefor Plait come upon_ them, any more. And as for their fakesChrift n lanCtihed hin=ifelfe, i for nlofa 7,i9 their ° comfort he overcame the world; ° I°rii5,33 to take away P their finnes , did he ap- p Ï ICI.ri 3, 5 peare, when inhirufelf there was no fvn; 1_ Dart. t. for the q children of the people Ifï acll `í ' ftandeth this Michael the great prince,& r fighteth againft the.Dragon,and cafteth r Rev.' 2,7, himout of heauen ; where now is ialva- 9;b0. tion,and the kingdome of our God,and the power ofhis C hrift ; the accufer of the Sain6ts being cafe downe.Wherefore the Lordbeing homing, f the earth may re- f Pí-41.97,1 joyce , and the multitude of the yles be glad.; becaufe he t preferveth the foules t eerie io. ofhis Sainits,he will deliver them from thehand of the wicked ; he. will v judge 3 P a.7`, Z, the peopleof God in juflice, & his poor with