19z CÑAP. XIY, with equitie , that themuunraynes and the hils fhall bring peace to the people Xpfij.7z,7. by luflice , and in his x dayes the righte- ous íhallflourifh, & abundance ofpeace íhall be fo longas the moone endureth y K,ach.g, I O zpJal. 101,8 a 'fit. Ir,q., bPla.lIO,5. ;'fa.63, 6, cPja.p,14 dvef 16. C1111.11,15 fKev.5,to. and so,4. rh g zach.ó,x3 h For the y charets being cut off' from E- phraim and the horfe from Ierufalem, the bow of the batten fhall be broken; and he flail fpeake peace unto-the nati- ons, but in the Z mornings he will de- flroy. all the wicked of the land , a fini- ring the earth with the rod ofhis mouth and flaying the wicked with the breath ofhis lips; wounding b kings and trea- ding down peoples in the day of his wrath. Therefore the poore Thal c corn- mitre themfélues unto him, and triumph in his íalvation Paying ; d The Lord is king for ever andever , the- hethen are defrayed firthofhis land; e he linedoms of this world are ourLords andhis ChriPis ; andhefrail rei nefor evermore. 24. Secondly he conimunicateth with his Sainfts this grace, to be fkZing; altowithhim, and to reigne on earth : at as himfelfe g fitteth & ruleth upon is throne , and is a l'riefl upon his throne,