CHAP. X11. '93 throne , and thecounfell ofpeace is be- tweene then, both : to they whom he bath made h kings priefis unto God h R t, hisFather, being a i kingly priefthood, i pct. wen a k klygdorneofPrieIts , andan holy kExod.19,6 nation ; having part 1 in the firíl refurre-1 Reti.ZO,6. ¿bon, the fecond death may haue no power over them ; but being the Priefts of God and ofChríl, and reigningwith him the terme of yeres limited ; at laít, when they haue overcome,maymfit'with m chap.;,ar Chrift in his throne; euen as he over- came, and íiztethwith his Father in his throne. zf. This fpirituall kingdome,where- by the Sainels reigne on earth, is firft o- ver their owne finnes and corruptions ; for they arecarefull to be upright with God, and to n keepe themielues, from n Pfd , 2; their wickednes; and theLord ° fubdu- o Nic.7119 eth their iniquities, that finneíhall P not pRom.6,14 haue dominion over them becauíe they are q freede from it, and made fervants q roerfe 2i. unto God, having their fruit in holynes, and the ende.everiafting life. And this vidoriewhereby they overcome them- . felues , is greater then all earthly, con- N quefts,