Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

94. CHAP. XII. quefls,.according to the true proverb; r Pro.16,32 r Ile that isflow to ange , is better then the c2kcighty man; andhe that rulcth his owne t irit, (is better) then he theWinneth a ci- tie. Secondly it is over the world,which alto they fet themfelucs again[l,as know- f z Ioh.s,z9 ing that it f iieth in wickednes ; the t tCor. t, 2.o wifedome thereof is t fooliíhnes and N 2, 6. cometh to naught; the plealiires of it are d Eccl. z,and v vanitie, and°vexationof fpirtt ; the Co- &c. rowes oft work x death, and the amuie Y 4, thereof is Ytheenmitie ofGod:therefore y I41M.,. z zPet.1,4. flee they the z corruption that is in the a IChYOn.29 world through ltlii,wallL"r before God as a firanhers andpilgroms on earth, not bxloh.z,i5 .ïoving h the world, nor the t(1nges that are in the world , which haue neyther Ecde.5,9. c fttiffying nor fruit. in them, but being d G41.6,14 d `' crucified unto it , and it unto them , e Tam. i, 27 they keepe then felues e unfpotted of it, f Gal.5,x. and free horn the f bondage and fervi- z cor. 7,23. tude ofthe fame ; they ufe it , as though 31' they ufed it not, they blare with patience all the reproches and injuries that it of- rcor.4,9, freth ; yea though they be made the z3. gazing flock and as the filth of the h Rona. $,37 fame, yet are they h more then conque- rours