CHAP. XII. 195 routs throughhim that loved them,, and . Ihrt do fulfill that which is written , i el i o ll 5'4° that is borne ofgod overcometh the world; and this is the vittorie that., overcometh the World, euen ourfrith. Thirdly the con quefl oftheSainds, is over Satan him- felfe,"theprinccofthis world, and wor- ker of all mifchitf. Him alto they k tPet. s,g. k refill ftedfaft in the faiith, anddoe l o- 1Rov.i2.,ad vercome himby the blood of theLamb, and by the wordof their tef}imonie, and loue not their hues unto the death: fo that wickedone rz fleeth from thern,and m lani.4,7. toncheth them net, for they keepe n 1101)5 ,Is thrtrfèluts, becaufe they are begotten of God; who will o treade that advetfary o Roil. z6, under their feete flortly andwith him 20. frali be ddhroy ed p the laft enemy , p t Cor. ¡Ç Death. And as now , the Saints doe 25. reigne with Chrift on earth, by faith and patience : fo then , having q judged the 3 Cor. 6 z, world , and euen the Angels ; they fI-all reigne r with him in glory, in heauen for r Rom. 8, t evermore. z tim. 26. To teach us this Communion I r },r f4,x? ° with Chrift,we haüe in the fcripturc rasa- ny doctrines and limilitudes ; as that he N 2 will