flfa4i,x5 t Pfa.68,35 á z,acb. io,3 yver;e 5. z z,ach.9,i5 aPJa.45,16 bR1v.19,It c Zach.6, Y 14. d Dike 26, 1 7, 18. e áach,rz,3 196 - CHAP. XI I. wil make his church a f roller and a new threfhing infirurnent having teeth, for to threfn the mountayns,and bring them to powder; and mike the his as chaff that het giverh ffrcn7thand power,to-his people, Making y their horse yron, and their hoofs braííè, and theinfelues X as his bewtifull bode. in the barrel ; that they (hall be as y the mightymen, which treacle downe their enemies in the myre of the flrcets in the hattel ;for i the Lord of boas f hall defend them , and ,they í%a11 dcvowr and fiibdue their foes. That Chriii (hall a makehis children `Princes throughout all the earth; and as himíeife Math b many Crowns upon his head , fo will he communicate them with his Sains, as the crownesof his figure c Ie- fus formeof Iehozad?k the high Prie(1, were to Helem , Tobijah and others for a memoriall in the temple of the Lord. That as Chrift is thehead cor- ner tone,a upon which whofoeverfall, ílall be broken, and on whomfoever it fall,it Pull grinde them to pouder:fo Ie- rufalem (his church ) fall bee made e a heavie (done for all pe oplc;all that lift it urn