CHAP. X I I. I97 up ihall be torne, though all the people of the earth be gathered together a ainft it. That as Chrift fhall f crufh thena- f fal ,. : tions with a ícepter ofyron , and breake them in Feces like a potters vell ll : fu gRev.2,z6, g he that overcotnetu and keepeth iris 27 works unto the ends ;co him will he giue power over nations , and he fhall rule themwitha rodofyron, that as potters veiTels they íl-iall bebroken ; euen as he received of his Father, h fo willl he gitle: h vrrf z . to that man the morning barre. 2.7. To illuíir,ate this Communion betweene our Saviour and us , we haue the fitnilitude ofan humane body, the members whereof by their chie joynts fynewes are joyned to the head, receive from it life and motion , 8c. government in all the ations and `atf yrs : fo Chfift i -is the head of the body ofhis church , and cor imun c:Iteth with all the Sains his members , . life and grace, and ail good things for their con ervat:on. Alf() of a vine or ® iitte tree ; whofebranches are made partakers'of the juice fa' ppe and fames i that is in the toote and flock : fo we abiding in (Thrill the trttç tine, dcá 3 by.