Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

198 CAAP. XII. by the juice and royf}ure oFhis grace, flue, andbeare fruits to the prayfe of God. Agayn'as thehusband and wife, = M4rk ><0,8 are not two, n but one flefh; and the firf} o Gcta:'z,zz, woman U buddedofthe rib ofman, was flefhofhis flefh and bone ofhis bone, & fo did loue and flue together, partaking ech with others welfare : in like manner are wejoyned to the Lord , and made pI CcY.6, r7 p one í l it it hc.that q made us is our hus- 111444'5* we are marled to him in faith; band, and hof,2,20. r Ephe.5,z9 whereupon he r nourifheth & cher'irneth 3 ° us; for we arc members ofhis body , of his flefh and of ti's bones; and this is a fverfe32. f great Secret', ás the Apoflle fayth , which they that Would behold ,had need t Rev. z r, 9, t be varied in Spirit ( as was lohn) ro a So. great and an highMountain; there to be chewed this Spouféadorned with theglo- ry of God,and all précous ornaments of h's Spirit. And fo greatly doth the King vdelight in her ewt that the words rr4s,11. 55 by, .which were fpoken to the firft woman Gcra.3,16. Evah, how x fier defire fhould be unto her ht sband; arenow on the other hand, (as touching the affection ofloue) ap- plied by thelpowfe unto him whom her foule