CHAP. XII. 199 foule lovcth, y 1 ail; rj welbcLveds, and y soYg.7, Yo his defire is towards rw. 8. From all that which is before fpo- ken, cf the Coilmlunon, that God hath called us unto with his Son , follow- cth, that whatloever jul ce and holynes was in Chrl manifelle.d in the deer), cy- ther by nature or by a:`lion ; the fame is made 7. eu s by grace and irnputat on: as z Rom,4,24 on the contrary,wha:focver lime un- z;,' 5, 19 righteoufnes is inns by nature or aeaión, the ihrne is made a his by imputation, & a icor.5,zr by liirii is healed and takenaway ; that it pral.4o,1z. canto; be we now b houldpe:ri:h,if wee b Rom.. T, hold fail our fayth & confidence of re- 8 3 X39 joycing unto the end. \Vhati'ocver tro.i- bles, for row es or tentat'ions , fnueore - ly excepted, doe befall us in this lfe;:he 11(e haue befallen c unto hsni , were by him overcome, and l;a lfrom d cis , as already they a;e fi 6 him , be done away. Finally, whatloevcr c freedom and liber- tie Chrifl,as rnan,inold natie efts e,, had on earth cdverfîng among men: the hath he giuen,dayly givetli and confirnl- eth unto Chrifi ans; whither we rLfpcd the fpiritual law of God, or the poi it_cic N 4 lawes cHcb.4,T5, d Rev. 2r, 4 e jolt}s 8,-6. TOILS, 2. W3-& S,1 ICU. 26, 1;. 1 cor. 7. 232 mat.. 17, 25, 7.IccrF, 12 &10,tf 25.