Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

f Gal.i, to g Song. h, z. hRom. 6,5, 6,8. i rfa 46, z3, k roii.z7,2z 2;. .1 larfc 24. mzCor.f, zIohn 3,2. 7 oLach.g Zao CHAP. XII. lawes ofmen, and civili Rates. For heir is, that fl:veth in us ; himfelfe g is ours, and we are his , h graffed into his death and refurreetion to eternal! life: he hath giuen i his glorie unto Ifiaell ; euen the k glore that theFathergaue him, bath he .giuen us, that we may be one ; as the Fa- ther andheare one, he in us, and God in him; and where he is, there shall we al- fo be ro behold his glorie; though for the prefent we walke in by fayth,and not by fight ; and it doeth 11 not yet arpeare what we 1hali be. The confderation of which riches ofhis grace, may calife us to fay with the Prophet , o How great, is his goodnes, andhow great, is his bewtie ? And we may conclude with the lafl word of pD +s.33, zg Mofes the man ofGod, Pd art thou O1 f ael: Who is like unto thee , Opeople f - vedby the Lord, thefhield ofthine he,lp,4nd Which 'is the (wordofthy g-lorie ? therefore thyne enirniesfhall be infibjedion to thee , 4nd thqufbalttreadvon their highplaces. .1111Yea. C AP-