201 CHAPTER XIII. Ofour communionwith theholy hors. ALTHOUGH the fellow 'lip that we haue with the holyGhofl,(who is a one with the Father and the Tonne, ) a //ohm 5,7 may much be difcerned , by that which is before fpoken ofGod and ofChrift yet becaufe the fcripturc fpeaketh many things oftheworkofGods fpirit inus , and particularly of theb Communion of b z Cor.q, the Holy Ghot With us ; it will be for the 13, good &comfort of the Sainc` s, to con- fider thegraces & benefits that do come unto them by this communion also in particular-.. z. And'this the rather, for that the Spirit is the Comforter , (that c other c iob,14,t6 Comforter or Advocate,)which the Fa- 7ae9"'16' ther at Chrifts reciuell doeth giue unto us, for to abide withus for ever,& cheat us in the abienceofour Lôrdiefus from us, who is gone unto his Father 8: ours) that we fhould not be left, as, d orphans d Iob.z4,z on earth., dei}itute ofhelp andcomfort arnids our many trials and tribulations. N..s. ,áTe