Zee. CHAP. XIII. 3 . Very great is the grace, and admi- rable the ftrength cónfolarion, which this Comfoacr giveth to the Sainels ; as the example of the Apoflrles the.ufllues doeth conlhrme; who all the while that Chrft was with them in this world, though h: reaped nor to teach & inform their , to comfort and embolden them , to reproue and blame them, as Were was e Mat. Y. 6, 8 occation : yet were they e wtake faint ., ?. &r7,zo in fay th , fearful' .of their enitnies, for- 69r4,2z,24 c,etfull ofChriftsp romiles, without un- And, z6; derfland:nu of his wyíterïes,.and overca- tied many wayes with their owlre infir- nay.16,i4 Y Y f 111 to s; But when he had Cent down up- ' 4 Luke _ on them = the prota ire of his Father, and 49 endued themwith power fronl;onhigh, gA ,r,S. b ap;iling, them wish the holy Ghoft : cb.2,4,iI then bcman they. to fpeake with h other tongues , as the Spirit gaue them utte- rance, the wondetfull works of God; iAf.4,8,13 i'hewcd great i boldnes in preaching the 193133 word andwith great power witncffed k Aet.ç,iz, the refinrredion of the Lord Iefus, and 5,41, 4Z k manie fìgnes & wonders were fhewed And throat 'h.. out the woli by their hands , and they reaped not to book. teach and preach Iclus Chrif} among many