Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIII. 2.03 many troubles ; rejoycing that theywere counted worthy to fuffer rebuke for his name. 4. Neyther unto them alone was'the holyghofI gi,uen,(though the abundance of his graces was powred mofi plenti- fully upon them; ) but all that in thofe dayes,or before; or fince,doe beleeue in the Lord Iefiis Cbrill are fealed alto with the fame fpirit ofpromife, and fur- nifhed in formmeafure with the gifts of the fame. Which grace the Lord himfelf proclayred in that 11aí1 & great day of the Feaft of Tabernacles , faying , m flee tfi4, beleeveth in rne,as l:i.yth thefcripture, out of his bellyjhallflow rivers ofWater of life; fpeaking this n of the Spirit, which they that belceved in him fhould receiue; for if o any man haue nut the Spirit of Chrif}, the fame is not his. ;. As there is but p one God &Fa- ther ofall , and oneLord Iefus Chrift; fo is there but one an.d q the fame Spirit : although , for r the diverfities ofgifts, which that Spirit diftributeth among the Sainds, the fcripture fometime fpeaketh as of fknee fpirits,w hickare before the throne 1 tohri.7,37. nj=verve;S. nverle39. o Rom. 8,9. p Eph4,6,5 q i Cor. i z, 4)5)6. r v eY . s fRev.',4 .