Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

z 2 Sarn. ß., 5., z6,25,rG, y Rev. 5,6. z X!it. iI,2, toh.;,34 z Gen. t, 2, pleat 336 a tab b Ltsz r r, zo rrith mat. 12 2s. CPfa ro4,3o d Geyl.6,3, ezPet.z,5, f lob 22,af, 17. 2.04 CHAP. XIII. throne ofGod; (íuen beinga full and perfe&number, and fignifying and thefe fetnen Spirits be the v feuen homesand feuen eyes, (that is , the ma- nifold and abfolute power and provi- dence)of the Lamb Chrift Iefus;ofwh6 itwas prophefied, that X the.ßirit of the Lord_Paid reft upon him; the i» it ofwif- dome , and underThtnding ; the Spirit of coon` 1,-offfrength;theJ irit ofknorvïedg, and oftheflare ofthe Lord : of whom alto it was witnelFed, Y jodgivethhim not the f7irit by mea, itre. 6. The Spirit , as he was at firft Z cre- ator of the world , with the Father and the Sonne; and a g,arniffied the heauens fo is he ß::1l the b finger of God, that worketh cffed-ually all his actions, ccre- ating the creatures , and renewivg the face ofthe earth. And generally as God fpeaketh unto men outwardly , by the ininiftery of his word: fo fendethhe alto inwardly, motions ofhis Spirit ; again( whichmany ftruggle, to their juft judge- ment. In the old world d Gods fpirit (troue in man, as his word was e preach- ed by-Noah; but they ¢ fayd unto God De2art;