CHAP. X I I I. 105 Depart fromus ; wherefore they were g wrincklcd before the time, and the g tß6 22,16 floodwas pow red out upon theirfoun- dat}on.WhenWad came Out of:4ypr, the Lord fent before them h Mofes Aa- h MiC.6,4,, ron andMirian :; to guyd themoutward- ly by kingdome prieítlhood and prophe- fàc; he gaue them alfo i his good Spirit i Neb.9,20. his Son b to iriítir?c` then; & Ieiìs ,hr, , the k Angel of his face,or refence,faved tea st p exod.23, 20, them: yet they both 1 enviedMofes, and zi. Aaron the holy one ofthe Lord;andof-1 Pfa.106,i6 m 9 8, ten h, provoked, grieved , and tempted 4cPfal. Godhimfelfe, and limited the Holy one ofTirael ; they rebelled and n vexed his n 114.63 le, holy Spirit , ( the Spirit of the Lord which had giuen them rait ;) there- o v.erfe z4. fore was he turned to be their eni- my , and fought agiinít them. In thefe lait dayes of the Gofpell , we are alfo 'tatjght, how fore that bane tatted of the heauenly g ft,and P were madepartakers of the Holy Ghoft; yet fall fo away that they cannot be renewed unto repen- tance. So that euenwicked men and re- probates, do often receiue s the gifts of the Spirit, whereby they do many great Works t p I-febr. 6: 4 5,6. gNum. 24, z mátth. 7, 2 z, 23,