ao6 CHAP. XIII, works, yet arc not benefited hereby un- to falvation : for they hauenot the grace ofGod to faiidifie tholegifts, and teak them up unto the day of redemption ; r ISans. i6, therefore God r taketh his holy Spirit :4, plat. Si' from them, and fometyme fendeth his II. evill fpirit in fled thereof, to vex them,as f= Sam. i8, he did unto f Saul ; and this worthyly, lo. fBeing there are of thefe wretches , that 1i1.e&. x0,29 do euen t defpite the Spirit ofgrace. 7. But the Sai.nés eleaofGod, haue an other manner communion with the Holy Gho{l; for their help comfort and fan&ification in this life, and r rance of life eternal!. For , becaufe they are v Ga1.4,6. formes , V God fendeth the Spirit ofhis forme into their harts, which criethAb- ver(e 7. ba Father ; fo they are X nomore fervants but fonnes, & heyrs alto ofGod through Chriíf, who bath obteyned of his Fa- y IA. 14,i6 ther Ythis Comforter to abidewith them 1i. for ever, even the Spirit of truethwhom theworld cannot receiue,becaufe it feeth him not, neyther knoweth him; but they know him, for he dwellethwith them, ZICor.G,19 and thall be in them ; their bodies are the Temples of the HolyGhof}. 2, The