Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIII. 207. 8. The communion which the Sands haue with the Spirit, is in many particulars; and that from the beginning of their dayes, unto the ende. For Ie- remiah a was fan6lified and Iohn Baptift b filledwith -the Holy Ghofr, euen from their mothers wombs. And we all that are borne ofGod, haue our regeneration and new birth c of the Spiri:and accor- ding to his mercy are laved , d by the wailingof the new bitth, the renew- ingache Holy Gboa. 9. The wordof God , which is th .immortall feeds whcreby we'are begot- ten, hat alwayes bane tittered , explay- ned, and undetflood , by means of th's Spirit, David teflitiethofhimfelfe, that e the Spirit ofthe Lord fpake in him , and his word was in l'is tongue : our (Sa- viour ChrA and his Apoles doe wit- neffe allo the fame concerninghim ; fo the things that he fpake,we mutt receue as the tayings g ofthe Holy Gjof. The like is to be minded for h Iíaias, i Mi- chaias, and all other Prophers,by whole hands the Lord- It. protefted among his people by Os iris, for Prophefie(as the Appfle a Ict.x,i . bLuke I)a c roh.3,5. d rit.},S, ezFam.z;,z fMat. a z,43 aft. I,16. g withpfa.9f, 7 h AU. 2.835 i 1Vdich.3,.. kNeb. mt. z,açFi:',ati.'