Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

I zPet.i,tr. Ifa.48,1 114at. z 2, 18 1,.uke4,i8,38. p fij y cor.2, i 2 rvetifè i3. s zPet.i,tz. tHeb. z,3;4 t zCor.12, 8 ÿ,10,6c. ioS CHAP. XI I I. Apoftle 1 fayth) camenot in old timeby the will ofman ; but holy menof God fpake , as they were moved by the Holy gbolt ; theLord Iehovah and m his hit tent them. Yea Chr ft himfelfe had the n Spirit ofGod, put on him , that he might fbewe judgement to the Gentils;andwas anoynted with o the Spirit, that he night preach the Gofpell to the Poore; and un- to the Apofties whom he had chufen, gaue he commandements through Pthe Holy Cjhosf , who al fo having received q the Spirit ,Which is ofGod, fpake the things that were giuen them ofhim, not in the words , which mans wifdome taught , but which r the Holy SAO did teach them:fo preached they the Gofpel unto theSainas, s by theHoly Ghoft f nt, dotvnefrom heauen.), o. Vrito this Gofpell of falvation firftpreached by the Lord, & after con- firmed by them that heard him ; God f bare wirnes bothwith fignes andwon- ders , and with divers miracles andgifts ofthe Holy ghat. For to one (as the A- poftle fayth) t wasgiuen by the Spirit the word ofwifdorne; to an other the word of