Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C H-I AP. X III. z;o9 of knowledge, by the fame fpirit; toan othé r faith,by the fame fpirit ; tó an o- ther, the gifts ofhealing, by the fame fpirit; to another the opérations ofgreat works to another Piophefie ; to ano- ther diícerningof fpirits; to, another di- verfities of tongues; toanother , the in- terpretations of tongues : and all thefe things wrought even thefélffame Spirit, diftributing,to everie rnanfeverally as he would. t i . But thefe fpirituall gifts, though they were powred ()lit 11)611-many ; yet are theynot,neyther ever were giuenun- to all; as it is written, y ire all doers of y ICor.Iwy miracles? haue allthegifts ofhealing? do all 3o. fjeakZe With tongues ? doe all interpret ? Againe, to all that haue them , they are . norfeales of theadoption ofSons ; for if menhaue xprophefie,and know all fe- XICot.i3, crets and all knowledge ; ifthey haue all fayth , fo that they can remoue moun- taynes,and haue not Loue , they are no- thing. Yet is this y manifeftation ofthe y Y Cot. z2 Spirit giuen to every roan toprofit with- 13. all : and as the Apoftles were Gods wit- neilcs concerning the things which they O fayd i