.2IO CHAP. XIII. z A 5, 32. fayd, fo was the Holy Ghofl,whorGod gale to them that obeyed h:tn,the Spirit a Yioh. 5, 8 was one a of the three witi.eílès on earth as the Apoflle Iohn fayth. z z. As the Myilerie of Chriíl was re- pef 5 vealed b to his holy Apoíiles&Prophets 3 by the Spirit , and they preached the e aet.Y,iz. Gofpell unto others, c by the Holy Ghoft Pent downe from hcauen ; and as the ordinarie permanent officers of the d Aa.20,28 Churches , are madeOverfcers a by the holy Ghofl,to feed the Church ofGod: fo by the hearing ofFayth preached, do e Gai.3,z, men e receit,e the Spirit; which God o- penly íhewed,whenwhile Peter yet was fAM=o,44. (peaking , f the Holy Ghofl fell on all them which heard the word. And as by the work of the Spirit, the word is g iret.i, 22 received and beleeved ; fo is the fame al- h2tim.r, i4 fo g obeyed,kepr and reteyned, h through the holy c1 hoft that dwelleth in us. The Sacraments all() haueby him their effects in us,as it is writ.cn i by one Spiritare we ì i Cor,12, i3 gel baptifd into one bod y whith Lewes or Creeps, whither bond orfree, and haue belie allmade to drinkinto one Spirit. i . And having thus our new birth , calling