CHAP. XII. zu callingunto, and frablifhing in the faith, by :heworkof the holy Ghott ; we are further by himconfirmed, comforted , emboldncd, and aiifted , in all our fpi- rituall battels againft Satan , this world , andour s ovine corruptions. For we are ftrengthned by Gods Spirit in theinners EPh.3, E5 man; and beingarmed with the word of God which is the fword of the Spirit , Epb.6,17 we fiand fait; & though the enemy come like a flood, yet k the Spirit of the Lord kira. 59,19 (hall chat him away,as fay th the Prophet. And in rebuking the world , he ufeth great boldnes, convincing i themof fin, I Ioh.16,8 of ri ,hteoufnes, and of judgement : fo 9-"I" that Gods fervants are full ofpower m by in Mic.3,8. the Spirit ofthe Lord and of judgement , and of f%rcngth,to declare unto the peo- ple their tranfgrefhon, and their fnne ; an example whereof we may fee in nSaul; who being full ofthe HolyGhofi, n Pas ,ail T.ó fer his (yes upon Elyr as the forcerer, and fayd; O full ofall f sbtilty , and all mif- chiefe, child ofthe Davill;enemy ofall righ- teoufnes ; wilt thou not ceaf to pervert the firaight *ayes ofthe Lord ? Now therefre behold thehand oftheLord is upon thee, and O 2. thou