.ß.I2 CHAP. XIII. thoufllalt be blind , and notfcc the Sunfor 4 feafon. And this courage the Saindes haue euen before Princes and potentates ozChvoi.24 of the earth; as may be feene in o Zecha- 20 `I. niah fonne of Lehojada, who being cio- thed with.. the Spirit, and rebuking the tr'anfgrefions of the people, was there- fore ftoned \with ftones, at the coinrnan- p Loue i , dement of the king. For the p Holy ai,iz Ghoft teacheth them in that houre what they ought to fay ;wherefore they are to take no thought how or what to at;Cwer, but refting upon theayd of Gods Spi gPj.t19,46 rir,do boldly fay, ql I hill f eake,.of thy tef- tiononics(Lord) before kings , andwill not 6e ofb amed I4. Butin the Sainas themfelues the Spirit is inoft mighty in operation for the fubduing and fanelifying.of their affec i- ons, andconfirmation 6f tikir foules fpirirs in the loue & favour ofGod. For whereas beforetime, foreofthemwere fornicators,idolatcrs, theeues,couetous, extortonçrs, or giuen to other likevi- ä YCor.6,9, çes: rthe,y,are ivaf hed, they are fàihatifled, xo,cr. they are, jditihed iu the name of the Lord Idus , and by the Spirit of God. And