Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C-1-4;AP. XIII: 2.1 7- And whereas` .while they were fle.l Y y fu vcr.19 f havingnot theSpirit,they walked after i: the r fleill, and UvoUred the things there tRom. 8, ., af,and couldnot pleafe God; .but were 50)13'° fiibjea unto death: now bee that rayfed up C;hrift from thLD_e°ad,`doth alío eirric- ken their mortal bodies , v b;;caiafe , that his Spirit clwclleth in them'; and fo is fulfilled that which' in figure God fayd ofold unto Iliad ;. Tefhal¿know' that I 4ril; :thé I.orda; when I haue opened your ar-aúes, ô my people, aild hroughtyou up out of'youxfepulchres, 4fendfball purmy Spirit in you, . andye fh414 lùe. Who hen living in`the Sptrit; do alfo y walk in the Spirit, and by it do r.tify. the :deeds of the body,cnot-a fulfilling the: halls: of the iieih; they hatte 'cricified:, but bringing forth .t'ne fruits of the Spirit.,: NylZich are u=lotte., joy, peace.;: ftitïg, ienticniE; gcxodne5, faith, rrieek- ires, temperance : for when the Spirit is p,owred LtpÜnrlaem from aboue ; then g .b- the wilderi-tes becotineth.a ft:uitfttll cI15,32,r5 .(1, field, as fayth the .Prophet. . 14. And.God which h=;th p.otpiCed,, to p6 tyre watee upon the thirítie, and a 3 floods vvef Yr. Ez.)°c[3.372 .. 11C41_.;Z.2..