Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

ßr4 CHAP. XIII. If*.44,;, floods upon the drie ground, to d powr his Spirit upon the (cede ofhis Church, and his blelling upon their buds ; will c Luk.z z,x; not onely c glue theHoly Ghuit to them that defire him ; but all° continew his gifts andgraces for the allùrance of their harts ; fo that they íhall not labour in vayn , nor bring forth in feare , becaufe f /14.65 ,z;. fthey are the (cede of the bleffed of the Lord, and their buds with them. The g Rom.s,s, loue of God is g fhed abroad in their h Ephe. 4,3o harts, by the Holy Gho(l which is iuen unto them, and by him h are they foaled unto the day of redemption ; the fame i Rom, -s,x6 fpirit i beareth witnelFe with their fpirits that they are the formes ofGod;& here - .k iloh.4,i; by they kknow,that theydwell in God, and he in them , becaure he hath giuen lcip cb,4'ti, themofhis fpirit, which is as a 1 pawn, z cot. Y, zz. or carneft in their hearts , whereby they doe not onely behold the glorie of the rnzCor.3,18 Lordwith open face, but are m changed iiuto the fame image, from glorie to ;lo- ric,as by the Spirit of the Lord. And this fpirit which they haue received , is not rx. =6 the fpirit of bondage to feare againe, (as 34,30 at the n giving of the Law, andlooking upon