CHAP. XIII. 'Ton Mofes face, ) but is the fpirit o of o Ronti.S,15 adoption of children,whereby they cryc Abba-Father, euen the fpirit ofhis forme Chrifi, p which God hath font into their P Gal4,6. hearts, becauCe they alfo are fonnes, and the q blcifngof Abraham is corne upon q Gal.3,14. them through Chrift Iefus. So Gods good fpirit r leadeth them unto the land r P 143,ío. of righteoufnes, and this is a part of his covenant with the , that f his .frit which f¡fa.59, 21, is upon them,, and his words which he bath }- ;ut in their mouth, fhall not depart out of the mouth of them or their iced, or their feeds feed,for cver.Ncyrher wil bee b de his face any more from them, r becarfe be bathpowred out his irit upon Eze.;9,29 the houf of?fraell,'as he barb promafed by his Prophet. From all which procecdeth unto the (ainds unfpeakable peacc com- fort and joy , wllclitheybald and- !-eele, both at the receiving of the word , (as the Apotilc lay th v ye received the word in v Tj ?cf much a li[ ios2', with 7.y ofthe hat Ehofi; ) and in the obedience tiltreanto in the kingdome ofGod;which is x righreouf- ,;Rali. nes , and peace , and joy in the Holy 1 . Ghoft. 6 0 16.Atnói.lgfl