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2.ì6 CHAP. XIII. 16; Arnongft other benefits which the fpiiit of ordeth, this is one fpeciall,. that it helpeth the Wilds infirmities iu prayerj who eis know not what to pray y Rory.8, z6 as they oaght, but y the fpirit it (elfe ma- 2z.; keth,requeff for their, with fighs which cannot be expreffed; c the requeil which . lie makcth is according to the will of Gnd,who fearcheth the harts, &know- eth what the meaning ofthe Ipirit is. 17. But that the Saines be not de- ceaved, and led affray from the trueth, by any motion, fugveflion, vifion, reve- lation,,or other means what oever, as from the Spirit of the Lord;our Saviour bath giuen us a rule to difèern the work ofhis Spirit, from thedeliilion ofSatan; Tobizt6,Y3 which is this,that his Spirit zIPeketh not 14. ofhimfelfe , but whatf oever he hew^eth he "freaked) ; that he glor fi.eth Chrifl, for he a ve f ai. receiveth of Chrifts, (and a all :things that the Father hath are Chrifts ,) and iheweth it unto Chriftians. Therefore b verfe Y3. is he the Spirit b of trueth, and leadeth into all trueth, becaufe. he teach:th no- thing but according to the word ofGod, 14. 17)T 7 which wor4 is c trueth:and by that word mull