Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

Ítt:...r. 2,2.& 3A-14> 24C?' 37,z. AFt . s 29,i9.&Io 79,20 &13 4CiI6,6 7. 6°20,22. 21i4. mAd.Il,zít n ch. 2 0, 23 . ° rf. 139,7 t p Prov.l,z3 g Lab. 2,_o d t rRon.15,13 Ac`F.9,31. tRoi1E.I5 ,I6 G í 218 C HAP. XIII. them ; whereby they went boldlyunto great battels, overcame their ennnies, .and rent the wilde beafls that roared up- on them. The Prophets alto and Ap- íl.les, were I caned & guyded by the Spi- rit, in their wayes words , and works; taught whom for to got to , and from whom to refreyn ; and had great intAli- gence of things m for to come; And in e- very citie, the n holy Ghofl witneil'ed, inch thinaeF as Gods wiredome faw good to revele. So that the help which the fpirit minitbreth to the Sainfts, is in- fi.rite and incomprehenfible; and they may faye to the Lord with the Prophet, O whitherj7 /1 Igoefrom thy Spirit;for Joe, he willdome of God p powrethout her fpirit unto them , and maketh them un- erfland her words : this q Oyntment hey haue from him that is holy, and do now all things : through the power of he Holy Ghofl they r abound in hope; 1y the comfort of the Holy Ghofl they, nd the (Churches of them are multipli- d; and by him the = offring up of the entils( by the miniftery of the Gofpel) s fan lificd: and whatfoever good thing is i