Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIII. 119 I is done among Gods people, is not by an Army nor strength , but v by the fpirtt v zaeh.4,6. of the Lord of holes, without which x no man can fay , that Iefus is the,3. Lord. i 9. Thus are the fain&s of God, ad-- vaned to honour and dignitie,aboue all peoples un the earth; bung themfelues the r Temple ofGod , and having his ychap.3,1 fpirit dwelling in them: injoying a molt holy and happy communion, with the z xIoh.i. Father, and with his tonne Iefus Chrift, and with a the Holy Ghoft; the grace (Sc a Z Coy. peace and comfort whereof, patleth all y7 underftanding, & can no way be fufñci- ently expretled , by the tongue or pen of man. And this holy communion with his people God (hewed of old by his prophet, in thefe gracious words, b Yarn 6 Hag. 2' 5' with youfayth the Lord of hafts with the Word , by whom I covenanted with you e Cori,Yoh. whenyou carne out ofeffgypt ; andmy Spi- l'" . rit remayning amongyou: Fearyounot. All lby t orkespsa `é thee,) Lord ;and thy Sainiis bleJe thee. i- fal. 145, 10. C. HA r.