Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

L H'APTE How theforéfäyd communion andpeacebe- . tt)vcene codandhis SaLnds, isfometi;nes interrupted by theirfinnes : what, unrefi and trozsble,they thenfëele in themfelrues; ..and howtheir ancientpeace is renewed. E c A ti s E there is a?no man ufl aEC6.7,22. ! zclarerl.6,; the earth-,: that doeth good and fin', ncth nót; á»dwhiles men dwell in theté, h.ottfés of'cl:ay,. they be c®mpafed.abod with their ow= inilriniries.,.temptedof :their owne éoncupiícelices, and beret with' D ivils ;. that alway.eslie in wayt to entrap&devour: it fallethout, tharthe: tainds ofGod.: are not onèlyatraulted, ,but oftentimes foyled by their enei.3ies,1: ; aid do fall into fiares and loathror,,e: a, tréfpaífes,-w.hereby God is di[hoilouréd, the Divil delighted ,& their owne hrts wounded and diíl:reled, Icor.3 z. For our knowledge in this life is $. but b inpart; lò that rlirotagh error and ¡ ignorancewè oft do amifle; neyther can 1 -ahly man c IlIlderfland OL" -dlfcerne rhofe c 19, gz errors.' Out affscaions and lulls-are not fully .