Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. X III I. fully fubdued, but do yet warre incur d ram.4,r, _ members ; the flefh e luffeth againft the Gat. ,IMP fpirit, and thefe f lofts fight againft the £I pet. I i . foule, and are as a g law in our members, g Rana.', z j rebelling againft the law ofour minds, and captivating us to the law of finne which is in our members. Our ftrength is infirme;.& thoughWe would dogood, h vets yet h finde we no means to performe it. Our enemy fatan, is both fubtile and ftrong , and feeketh dayly to circumvent us.., and often prevailed' through our \veaknes and.unheedines, that in i many things we finne al1,& no man can fay,k 1 k Pray.zo,9 hauepawl fled any hart,/am eleanefrommy pine- 3. Somtitne the pieafures of the flefh do bewitch and drawe us into greevous :offences; t drunkennes, In adultery, for- nication, murder , and idolatric it felfe ; fometime thebleflings of God upon us, do make us prowd, our n harts are lifted up , we commit ° vainglorious actions , forgetting r our felues , and q God that begase us , euen forfaking the Rockof Our falv'atton ; fometime our affc. ions are fo flirted, that we fall, into intempe- rance. 11, 1 Gen. 9.2i. Iri 2 Sam.I I I-4. 112 CIO. ; 2 25. © Ct?r0. ?I p 17. q`ee12.32yIs 25.