Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

232. CHAP. X1111. r i Sam. i5, rance z* bothinword 3 &work, not onely , sr, zs, a ainílr men , y 31)32,3334 fometime fearebsut euen fGod 11 mfelf; ;faCI.I06,32, hro.I6,zo ,doubts, dan eis,threat. rings, & affligions , do t daunt and dif. 3;. de. 7,9 courage us, making the hart to faint,the 4eK49'7 tono,ne to den i jofa. 4,I,4 o y y & foifwear the trueth 9,ßc, the hands x to work mp:etie, oui faith t Exo 14, ro. to quaile, that we forfake Chill and Ya.7,"'"t. Y flee awa 1430,3= Y Yea Gods children hauein vMat.z5,7o error and blinde zeic: , petfecuted the 72,74 truc th and profeliors thereof, mil kil. xEx.3z, z,4 led Chrift himfelfe , and crucified the 22' 23, &C. Lord ofGlor y; as the example of z Saul yMatth. z6 ó ' and t'ondule ocher clef} Ilraelites cloth z Ali 9,=. rnanifefl. There and many likegreevous &c. & ael. hnncs do the Sains fotnetimes fall in- 9 to through their infrmities ' (Godwith- drawing his hand , and leaving them ro themfclues, ) betides their ignorances and defaults which multiplie dayly: fo aPfd 40,12 as they fiirmount in number a the hayres b As the for- °f their Beads. Anc1 many times Weil Nier examples men lye íleeping in their fins b long, for- ef the Patti- getting themfelues in their voluptuous arch%Am,. delights; till God awakeneth them ofhis grace, leaft they fhould fleepe thedeath, and perish for ever. 4. He