Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C HA P. X I I I I. z; 4. He awakeneth us fometime by the found o c his word , knocking at the c 2Sam,tZ4 door ofout hearts ; and by his d fpirit 44,4,21 7 ' wherewithhe e ffriveth in us: fometime 1 Neb.9, ;4. by f corre&ons & l punifhrments for our e Gen.6, ;. miídeeds inflie`ired upon our bodies; lob 33' i6, r I7,Iq.C4c_ foinetirne by g finkingour confciencesioy,a with dread , difmay and terrour for our and 2, x, ?, firmes, and withdrawing the cheerefull Cc. light of his countenance from us , fo as go.saa j g4 Pí3,3- we feele not the joy of his fpirit,neyther 8,I0. haue peace inour glues ; but the com- fortable communionbetween his Maje- flic & us , feemethquite to be difànulled and broken. 5. For he withdraweth his face and favour fromus, h kindleth his anger a- h lob Is,x gainit us,and counteth us as his enemies, thehorror ofhis wrath is as fire fent frei nbcue into our boncs;the curfe i written iDan 9,; c. in the law, is powred upon us , and is as the arrowes of theAlmightie,the venim whereof drinketh up our fpirit.He k let- tabour iniquities before himfelfe , and k Pfái.9o,S our fecrer hnnes 3n the light of his coun- tenance; he fetietl), them alto in our own light, and our fìnne is 1 before us coiiti- Pfil.r,;, nually;