Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

PPfAz 14° Pi5.1Q2,3. r P.M. 234 f I,fa,jg, xi, t2, t iob.i, I 8. 2z4 CHAP. XIIII. nually ; withhis hand m hebindeth the yoke ofour tranfgreflions,&with thétñ beingwrapped and laydupon our neck, he rnaketh our'ftrength to fayle; n bitter things doeth he write against us , abd make us to inherit the iniquities ofour youth ; fo as there is o nothing found in our flefh becaufe ofhis anger; neither is there reft in our bones becaufe ofour fanne : our wounds flinke and'are cor- rupt, our reynes are full of burning, our heart is p as waxe, it melteth in themids of our bowels`; our bones are parched q like an hearth, and our xr ioyfture is turned to a furnmers drowth,foheavy is his hand uponus night and day. Then criewe out for griefofheart, we frote likebeares,and mourne likedoues;loo- king for judgment,but there is none;for falvation, but it is farre from us; becaufe our trefpaffèsare many both before him andour felues , for whichhis terrors do fight against us , he vifiteth us t everie morning, and tryeth us everie moment; fettethus as a markeagainst him , fo that we are a burden to our felues. Alf() whenwe Brie & íhout , V he fhutteth°tit our