Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIII:I. 225 oùi prayer, and is euen X angrie againfl pf.So,4, it becaufe ours iniquities haue feparated bettyeerieus and hirn, &0úr finnes haue Y VI f9).2- hid his face from us , that he will not hearer fo lothfome are our trefpaffes un- to him, fo venemous to our felues is the biting of Chore fierie ferpents.. 6. Then are we left comfortleffe & defolate , call: down in our felues, our fouie powred out upon us , z &our !.1- z Iob 30,X5, vation paired away as a clowd ; we are 16. kept out oftheparadifc ofGod with the terror of is law and judgements;as with the a bladeof the Cherubims brandish- a Gen.3,24. ing fword ; we are layd b iii the loweft b P a.B 6 pit,. in darknes, in the deeper where , Gods indignation lieth uponus , and. we are vexed with all his wanes. we are a reproch to wicked men , who. becaufe ofour mil-deeds do c blafpheme: we are 2 Sam, z 2 a fcorne to the Divils, who infult at our 14. fnnes, ceafe not to accufe us before a and night and hope to haue,to us in the end a preay to their teeth. Our e lovers & our friends fland a fide from e pf. 8,1 our plague, and our kinfinen fland far . orb. They thatU`hould guide and d-ired P us