Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

Soug.;,g. 65 7 gP1:69, 26. 1114.9,27 , 28. lob ro,6. k cb.r3,z4, 1 Lam.; ,T7 28. miob3,zo. t t n ch.3o,ir . t olob 19,28. i p lohn ÿ, 9. f i G 2.2.6 CHAP. XIIII. us to Chrift, in tiedofgood counfd do often f1mice and wound us, perfecuting them whom God hath finitten , g&ad. ding ro their forrowes whom he hath wounded. Thewormofour own con- fcicncecontinually biteth us, fo-as when we would b forget our complaint, and comfort our [clues, then are we afrayd ofall our forrowes , knowing that Gad will not judge us innocent, who i inqui- reth ofour iniquitic c` fercheth out our fìnne, yet k hideth his face, and reputeth us for his enemies. Thusour foule! is farreofffrom peace , we haue forgotten profperky, laying, Our ftrength and our hope is periled from the Lord ; and ni wherefore is the light given to them hat are in nlifetie, and life unto theIn hat haueheavy harts:for our harp is tur- fed to mourning, n & our organs , into he voice of them that weepe 7. But the oroote of the wordwhich s found in us , and the p feede of God which remayncth in us , flirreth up the park of faith , and furfreth it not to dye n thc:fe diüreifès. It bringech to minde ods ancient mercies -, his faith confir- med