Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIII!. 2:7 loue fealed towards us inChrift, it telleih us, where finne aboundetb , q gracedothabound muchmore. Then remembringour long in thenight,com- muning withour ownehart, & our fpi- rit lèrching diligently, we fay , r Will tie Lorda6fent himfelfefor ever ? and Will he Phew no morefavour? 7s his mercy clean genefor ever? loth hispro*ifefay1for ever- more?hath godfrgotten to be mercifull? bath hefhut up his tendermercies in dole- fire?we haue finned, fwhat hall we do unto thee, v thoupreferver ofmen? If thou ftreightly t marke& iniquities,Lord who (hall ftand: furely then the v moun- tain would f1 andcome tonought , the rock would be removed from his place.; neyther shall any X that liveth be ;uff:lhed in thy fight. But mercy is with thee , that thoumay fl be fared. And nowLord thouart our y Father ; we are the clay, and thou art thepotter, we all are the work of thine hands ; be not an- gry ó Lord about mcafure, neyther re- member iniquitie for ever ; purge thou us with hyuicpe and we Mall be cicane, walk us and we shall be whiter then P z (now q Róm.s,2o I pfa77, ßs 7,8- f t jQl, 1301 3,4. vlob14,18 xPfa,143, z. yIf64,gr 9. zP1.j1,7,.8 --®