Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

aPfa. 80, 3) 7)19.. b I Sam. -+, 6 . larn. 2,19 e Pfa.42,I. dDeK.32,35 erf443 frfit 4 IIo, g Ifa.I,18. 2.2.8 -CHAP. X_IIII. fliow; make us tobeam joy and gladnes that the bones which thou haft broken may rejoyce., a tunicus againe 6 God of hofls, and caufe thy face to Thine that we may be fäved. 8. When thus we flïali fubmit our felues under the mighty hand of God, drawing waters from the well of our harts, b mall power them out before the Lord: whenwe (hall confefTe our iniqui.. ties, and in faith askmercy at his hands, bungring and thirfling after his righte- oufiies , and c braying for it as the hide for the rivers ofwaters : the Lord will d repent towards his fervant5 , when he Teeth that their power is gone ; he will e powrewater upon the thirflie,& floods, upon the Brieground , and will lay unto us, f Feare not for I amwithyou; be not afrayd , fer I am your God, I will flrengthen you and help you and fufleyn youwith the right hand ofmy juitice; though g your fìnnes were as crit Fin , they ii:all be madewhine as fnow,though they were redde like fcarlet, they (hall be as wool : for a lisle while I haue forfaken you , h but with great conl- poíhon