Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIII. 22.1 pafîon will I gather you ; for a mo- h rfa 54,74 ment in anger I hidde my face from 8' you for a lisle feafon , but with everlaíi- ingmercy haue I had cópaflion onyou, fayth the Lord your redeemer. Then shall wee fee in the black cloude of our tribulations,the i bow ofthe Lor-d,euen Gen. b himielfe will appear with the k raynbow 14, about his throne, the token ofhis cove- k Ewe. i,z8 nant of grace,which he remembreth ; & 1EV.4,3 as he fwarc , that the waters ofNoah íhouldno more goe over the earth, I fo fweareth he not to be angrie with us, íI/24 54,9,Io nor rebuke us ; though the mountaines remoue , and the hils fall downe , vet his mercie fhall not departe from us, nor the covenant of his peace fall away. 9. Thus Godwhich m hadwounded nr Ha us, bindeth us up; after two dayes [trou- Z. blesj he revivethus, in the third day he rayfethus up , and we liue inhis fight ; he n healeth our broken hearts, &bind- n P ethup our fures. For Chrift otïr media- tour, that Angel ofthe Covenant, hash - asked for us mercy of God his Father , who was fo long difplerfed with us, arrd. the : L,.t, 4.;473