130 CHAP. XIIII. z46.1r,22 0theLord hath anfwered himwith good and comfortable words; this man is un- tfa. 32,2. to us, as Panhidingplace fró the wind, and as a fecret from the tempeft,as rivers ofwaters in a drie place , and as the fha- dowe of a great rock in a wearie land. And though our barke bath been toflird in the lea of afilidion.s , where Chrift Z4,16 z himfelfe feemed q to us a fprighr, and 3z. ' made us af:ayd ; yet now his grac uus voyce doeth comfort us, & his pretence ceafeth all wind and tempef . It is he, F rfa43, 25. euen he that r putteth away our iniqui- ties for his owne fake, and remeinbreth nor our finnes ; but reftoreth to us the fi rfai. S 1)12 f joy ofhis falvation , giveth us t bewtie t íía61,3. for allies, the oyle ofjoy for mourn ng, the sarment of gladnes for the (pink of v Pfar, Io;,s. heavines;fo that v our youth is renewed, ßa4 °> >I and we lift up the winges as the eagles; x lob 33, 23. our x flefh is as frefh as a childs; ftrength is Y increafed in our foules ; and being y Pfa.138'; now as widowes divorced from our z Rorn.7, I, 2.- -6. hinnes, delivered from that law ; and re- a Luri.22,t3 turned to our Fathers houle, like a the Priefis daughters we easeofour fathers bread, as wedid hi our youth; we fhall fee.1_e