Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIIII. 2.31 feelc Flo b more hunger, nor thitft , ney- b Ifa 49.10. ther (hall the heate finite on us , nor the fun ; God wipeth c all tearcs fromour cRev.z1,4. eycs,there is no more death,nor forrow, ,or crying,nor payn; for the fitft things are paílêd. z o. Having thus after long Peeking d found himwhom our foule loveth,we d Sons. f, r, take hold upon him, and leaue him not, z, 3, 4, till we haue brought him home unto us; and after this nights c wafflingwtli the eGen. ;t,z4 Angell,we will not let him go, untsll he &c. blttlè us , and Ole unto weake Iaakob the new name ofIiïael;for that byProng fayth we haue power with God , & pre- vaile, f'having wept & prayed unto him. fHof 12,3, And now he putteth in our mouth g a 1pra.4o4, new Fong ofpraifc unto our God ; our t,14.ß tongues ling joyfully of his iufticc, and 103,J,z, ; our foules doe bu lle hinì , which hash pardoned all our iniquitcs, healed all our infirmities, redeemed our life from thepitre, and crowned us with mercy & compa(lìons. And becaufe we beleeue , therefore we f peake and fay , h We'hall h Pfal. u not dye but liue,anddeclare the Works of the 17,18 Lord; the Lordhate chastened usfire, but P 4 th