z CHAP. XII II. lathnot delivered us to death. 'Wherefore after our agonies & cóflids with death, terrors within, and feares round about: we repofe in Chrift our redeemer who bath taken awayour fnnes,vanquifht al' our foes, put Satan to flight, renewed our peace, and quieted our confciences: and thenwe rejoyce and Ely , x 11?yJule returne unto thy refl, fir theLord bath been bottnti fillwoo thee. I r . Then giveth he us to fee,how in all thefe troubles and torments we haue mofat neerecommunion withChriti,and are by them made conformable unto him ; for he was wounded for k our tranlgreiions, he was broken for our iniquities, innumerable i troubles corn- paf ed him,the fumes of the elea-, which by imputationwere his,tooke filch hold upon him, that he'was not able ro look up; for the Lord ra layd uponhim the niquitie of us all ; though he had done to wickednés, neyther was any deceyt nh`s mouth, yet theLord would break im & make him íùbjeel to infirmities, o that he felt n terrorr and aiiguirh, and heavines in his foule 0.14 unto thedeath; his