Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

C ñAP. X I III. .1.; ; his fweate in his agonie was like o drops o Lake 22 ofblood,tricklingdown to the Tround, 44, and his cry unto his God was P Whyhad Mavke 15, thorn far &L.J e f And we in our a{í i- 34 Orions doe but di inke ofhis cup,and are baptifed but with his baptifme ; that af- ter we haue fuffred with hii ,wemay al- fo reigne with him; and by' many tribula- tions q rnufl we enter into his kingdom. cfA .s4,z2 And he that was thusfiiïitren of Goel, humbled euen to the'death ; thus trou- bled in feule , and left of his Father for a feafon; found an yffue out ofall tenta- tions, not for himièifealone, but for us whofe furetie he was, who therefore haue this hope for an anker toour foules, tllat as we now fuf cr withhim,fo thall weälfo reigne with him, norwith- ftanding that for the prefent we are brought into the duf*t ofdeath. After this, ad niringthe mercies ofour God , and the unferchable depth. ofhis cöunfels, who worketh and turn- etli all things , eucn:our òwne fumes un- ro our good ; who leadeth us in fâch wayes & wilderneffes, where Eyrie r fer- rDetat.s,rs 'rents' and scorpions are, and drought P without