..3-t CHAP. XII iI. without water; whichmakethus follow fpf`;i,9 himwhen his f way is in the fea, and his pathos in the great waters, and his foot- iteps are not known ; inall which dan- gers he defendeth us , and afterwards bringeth us into his refl: we fay the Lord x `Chro.6,T. dwellcth t in a dark cloud, vYerily thou v tit. 4ç ,1 j . 6 God hidea thy felfe, o God the favi- our of Ifrad ; how unferchable are thy judgements, and thy wages paft finding out ? Then mindingour frayl thate iti xkorri. 7.14 this fle[h, howwe are xfold under finne, 15-48' anddo trefpafTe againft God every day, and cannot do the good that we would we abate our homes unto the duff,& by repentancedo dye dayly,waííhingChrifts feete with our teares, knowing that not- withftanding the communion that wee haue withhim here by faith , ver are we but ftrangersand pilgroms on earth, and y z Cor.5, 6 whiles we arey at home in the body, we b1427.2. are abfènt from the Lord ; whiles our y :o f ch i is upon us we {hall be forowfull and whites our foule is in us, it flail a IJa. 35 , 3 . mourn. Therefore a ftrengtheningour /1'6.'12' 12' weak hands and comforting our feeble ú'' knees, we make ftreight Reps unto our feote