Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XIIII. 13 , feete , being carefull and circumfped leali Satan further circumvent us,. feeke- ing to make an end ofour falvation with b (care& trembling , giving all diligence b Phil. 21E:. C to joyn vertue withour fai.h, and to e zPet. 1,5 make our calling and eleaion fure , for 10° behold d the righteous haue [ for their d Pro. it, 3-E, fumes ] recornpence in the earth and arc ipet.4,I . fcarcely Caved , where then (hall the un- godly and fynner appear : but we which beleeue in Chrifl, exfped withpatience our full redemption , and as we haue e Pfa.s5,21 e caft our burden on the Lord, and fcó- f Pfaio,=4 mitred our poore felues unto hirn; ío we are perfwaded g that he is able to keepe g 2sirx..I,i2 that which is c6tnitted unto him againft that day, cuen to h keepe us that we fall L IKde,,, 24 not, and to prefent us faultles before the pi efence of his glory with joy; where we !hall alwayes behold his face, and being quite freed from our finnes,and fromall pofiîbilitieof ever fy.nning more ; fhall perpetually ferue and honour himwith his Angels at his right hand , where pleafures are for evermore. i Pia ,a6, o He that t'afkethin darkncs, and bath no light, let him trip in the name of the Lord, and flay Kean his God. 0.50. to.