FtbdYi1. 20, I6 I COr.IO,9. b Ex®d. 23, 20,2I. c Ifa. 53:9, dExo.34,14 c Ma:.;, i - f Gett.4.3,r6 1742 Gad a Redeemer, the tole o fChra. gD esa.3;, z 6 exo.;, z,6 . b ttitidg.6,iz 3Q 16.&C. iev.8,3,4 z36 CHAPTER XV. Of the communion that the Saines hoe in ics lift with eAngels. H E name of e ingel , which is is Englilh .a . efJenger,is in the fc.ip- tures attributed , i to our Lord Chri(t; 2 to the fpirituall creatures in hcaueni 3 and to fornecertaine men on earth, imployed in the mefrage and fervice of God. 2. Chrif, is the Angel whom God a fent to bring Ifrael out of 'Egypt, in whome b Gods name is, and is therefore called the Angell c ofhisface orprefence, euen the a Face ofGod it bife; the e e% n gel ofthe Covenant , whom the Ifraelites defired; the Angel that f delivered ha- kob from all evill;theAngel that g dwelt in the bufia , whiles it burned& was not confurntd;- 'who was the God cfAbra- 'ham Ifaak, and Iaakob ; the h Angel Ie- hovah, who emboldiled Gedeon to bat; tel againft theMadianits, and was with him in the fame;the Angel with the gol- den cenfer i that giveth manyodours to