CHAP. XV. 2,37 the prayers of all Saints , and out of wbofe hand the odours with the prayers goe up before God in his throne. He is no created Angel, but the kcreator of kColof. Angels , and all other thi in heauen l iude verfe9 and earth; therefore is he the eArrchan- gel, the m headofall principaliti and m Col.z,io power, the n Eft of the chiefPrinces , Dan. 19,1; euen o ei ichael our prince, whom p all o Rcv. I2,7 the Angels of God do worfhip. ©fhire p danHeb..zeizI6. andour communion withhim is before ,, fpoken. 3. The minifiers of God, though men on the earth , yet for the fervice wherein they be imployedare calledAn- Oels orneffengers. Such were the pvials in q 111a1 7. the tyme of the Law, as Malachie 4hntit- r Nitta ,ta leth them; fuch was r John Baptií't; and fRev: .filch are Chrifis ordinarie minifiers the a , r feringels ofthe Churches., Ofwhom it and ofterz in remaineth to be fpoken otherwhere., that booke. 4. The bleffed fprirs which are a- bout the throne of God , where t thou- t Dan.7, Io. .fand thowfands m n fler unto him, and ten thoufand thoufmds !land before him ; theft heavenly creatures being of- ten rent forth into this world on Gods mefaze