Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

t, v :Son.zzt ae. Pf.ial,zo yCol. s,t6. zDan. z9,13 a Pf l. 8,y. 91,7. withbrb. z,6 t?' 2,6,7. b°IKing, z 2, 19, zo.zsacFi. 1,10,11. diC c Chap. 4, ,3. dCohz, Io. & I,I$ e s rim. 5, 2r. Thek;,'. 238 CHAP. XV. melraac, are therefore n_off properly & ufuall.y called e4ngels. Of them do w treat in this place. Thefe are v wife an x excell in fhcngth, and inall ready nd fwift performance orthe will ofGod ; They are Y Thrones; Dominions, prin. cipalities,& powers, they are the zchief princes abone all the princes of the earth; and the title of a Gods isgiuen unto them : God imparteth b to them his counfèls,and ufeth their minifferiein the government ofthe world. 7. Thefe heauenly creatures,arepar- ties in thecommunion of the Sa:nd?s, as is c before touched ; for they &we haue all one head, d which is Chrifl, and are all e eled to be partakersof the glorie ofGod for ever. But becaufe they are f fpirits, and haue not $efh and blood as we; therefore the fellowfhp betweene them and us is fpirituall , to be learned out of the fcriptures , and difcerned by fayth,nor by eye-fight. Again Cod hath in ages paft, before the incarnation of Chrif? , more imployed them outwardly in revealing his will unto men , then in thcfe laft daves he doeth; fine he hath opened e d